Friday, August 8, 2014

Today I woke up with a tear running down my face. A tear of joy, I hope.

Its Helen’s birthday today and I wish I was there to celebrate with her and make her day super extra special, just like she is. This little girl is turning 11 but going on to 17. She is mature, she is smart, she is funny and very spontaneous. She is genuine and also very sweet.

She is only 11 and although she is mature, due to the fact she hangs out mostly with adults unless she is at school she has a sense of innocence I adore.

Years ago when Helen was born I was going through a stage in life where I didn’t really appreciate what I had or who I had. I learned of her birth and I was happy but it almost didn’t make me feel anything else, at that time I was numb, very numb. Thankfully that is all behind me now and I have moved on, matured and grown. Boy am I glad I did! I can now see things for what they truly are and I can see my life into the future and could never imagine living in this world without my family and those around me.  

To appreciate is to love. I hope my little girl has a great day today. I know she will grow up to be amazingly talented and great at whatever it is she decides to do in life! Happy birthday Princess! If I could only translate into words how much I love you. My heart beats faster thinking of you, afraid you will grow up too fast and forget me haha! I am far… but always close to your heart I hope.

Thanks for been so sweet and understanding and always patient. Thanks for tickling my back on demand when I ask haha! And thanks above all for truly loving me like a big sister. God didn’t give me any blood brothers or sisters but it gave me YOU and that’s one of the most amazing most precious things in my life today. I love you with all my heart! Happy Happy Birthday!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Well hello there fellow followers....

As usual, it is now almost customary of me to start off by saying I really want to continue doing this and more often…
I noticed that since I do this so sporadically I totally skipped a few very important things that happened in my life in the past year. For starters, I am now a MRS and no longer a MS, incredible huh? Well yes, it happened fast and suddenly you could say, but I knew deep down the day would come. I married a man who I absolutely adore, but sometimes find really annoying and no one and I mean NO ONE can push my buttons like he does! But hey, they say that’s all part of the game we signed on for.

And talk about Weddings, we actually had 2. We had our civil wedding in Toronto, where my family from Miami joined in and his brother Carlos flew from Minnesota and surprised us and then we had our symbolic wedding in Mexico, which everyone mentioned joined us again, and our closest friends and family as well. Mexico was our dream wedding, the one we really spent time planning, or should I say I spent time planning, Luis picked the food Menu and that took him long enough to decide.

The wedding in Mexico was a typical “novella”. I won’t bore you with details, but the bride’s mom fainted and had to be taken back to her room and couldn’t enjoy the rest of the wedding, the drinking, partying and dancing. It appears she had eaten something bad, yes, my MOM! She was devastated but I think by now she has finally gotten over it! She was there for the most important part I think, the ceremony itself and walking me down the aisle. –Anniversary date: May 17, 2013
Another important event, I consider, was my surgery. I should sit down and really blog about this experience, more so to make it known to others who may suffer from the same issues. I had surgery on my tail bone to remove a cyst. The medical name is: pilonidal cyst. A doctor once said, this is what they call “literally a pain in the ass” and oh boy is it ever! Couldn’t sit down for a while, was laying down on my stomach and hips quite a while. Had a vacuum installed for faster recovery and thank god I had a team of nurses (including my mom) who really took care of me. It is now all healed and sealed and fingers crossed that is the last time I go through that. Would never wish that upon anyone, 3 surgeries later I really hope that was the winner of all.

2014 had a good start. I started off with a strong BANG at a new job. But the happiness felt short when they didn’t offer me a permanent position and could only extend my contract until the summer (bummer) but I got back up and after long months that felt like years and lots of interviews and hopes up I settled down and found a new job. Once again life proved that things always happen for a good reason and if it hadn’t been for Blackwood (previous job) I would have never felt so prepared to take on all the new challenges here at Greensoil (current job).
Anyway enough with the boring stuff. I will blog again soon, I hope.

Cheers to life and all the ups and downs, and cheers to those who always help us get UP!