Friday, May 9, 2014

So today I am adding a little twist. I decided after many days, weeks and months of serious analysis, it is time for blog again.These days, everyone blogs about how to do this, or that or about their running adventures; I wish I ran, I would probably have very exciting stories to share. But no, I don’t run, or not yet anyway.How come no one ever blogs about their frustrations? Well maybe I am starting something here today.I am plenty frustrated and confused. As I re-initiate my search for a job AGAIN I find myself applying to almost everything and receiving emails one after another of: no you are not qualified, no this is not suitable, no you don’t have the background or experience required. I am disappointed, to say the least. Here you have a young professional, focused on launching a successful career for herself. Improving herself also by attending classes twice a week after long days of work and a looooong commute and all I get are emails that don’t provide much insight as to WHY I AM NOT SUITABLE. You can pretty much let me lose in a coffee bean field and believe me I will find coffee beans and be great at it. I can be great at anything I put my mind to. I am not conceded or overly confident but I do believe in my skills and my passion for sacrificing and doing whatever it takes TO MAKE IT.So there you have it, none followers. Truthfully no one has read this blog and who knows if anyone ever will. I need to one day have the courage to post it somewhere somehow.I leave you now, as I am meeting up with my number one supporter and strong believer, MY MOTHER. I have a weekend planned of fun adventures for us to enjoy on this mother’s day weekend. She deserves to feel special and loved. I still say to myself “ I want to be like you when I grow up”. My mom is the BEST.