Thursday, October 7, 2010

Never give up.

I hope this brings you inspiration.

Life can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster, some days we go up so high and other days things change around rapidly and we find ourselves going down at a much higher speed than we ever felt going up. When we are high, we feel fly, life is great and we don’t dare to look behind to our past, but when we are down we cant help but feel very low and find ourselves in the darkest place of all.
Most things are easier said than done. Some say life isn’t easy, others would argue we (the ones who are fortunate enough to live life) complicate ourselves and in return complicate our lives. To you my friend I say, life is nothing like we ever dreamed of as little children, life is never as we planned, life is life and it must be lived day by day. Don’t try to reach all your goals and make all your dreams come true in one day, that’s almost close to impossible… so don’t beat yourself for not accomplishing everything in one hit… enjoy the ride, enjoy the journey, and don’t stress too much about the destination.

After a rainy cloudy day, the sun ALWAYS comes out… even in small pieces, there is always light coming from the sky, reflecting right on us, on our lives, on our dreams, on our hopes. Live life fully and enjoy every drop of sun. Remember everything always happens for a reason, and never give up.

-A simple combination of different quotes from friends and different life experiences which have somehow helped me be where I am today-I too have a long journey ahead.-

Saturday, October 2, 2010

First day of school...

It feels like I am going back to school today, but I have yet to define what courses did I sign up for exactly? Arts? Design? Writting? Maybe just the School of Life.

I have always wanted to have my own blog; a space or place where I can express myself whichever way I feel at that time, day, month or moment... I guess like my dad has said many times before TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE, my life as a blogger that is.

This blog is not entirely dedicated to one specific subject, matter or issue... it will be a combination of all that I am and all that I want to be. My imagination can run wild at times so hold on to your big girl's (or boy's) pants and join me for an exciting ride. I can't promise constant entertainment or "peeing" in your pants kind of laughter, but I promise to give you all that I got and a little more.

This is a good day for me and I want to share it with you... but at times I will also share those not so very good days, that after all, we ALL have...

Who knows who you are, or what you do, or the reason why you are reading these words, but I know I was meant to write and maybe YOU were meant to Whichever way it is, the world does wonders and for one minute, or maybe two, you and I will be in-zinc.

Thank you.